Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Names Have Been Omitted to Protect the Guilty

I have to stop for a moment and acknowledge something that made me feel pretty good yesterday.
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook:
After going over the list several times… and I mean several times because I thought I was not adding correctly which would not be a surprise… I only came up with a total of $120.
So I went over it one last time just to be sure… yep… $120.
Before I posted my total I looked at all the responses of the people I went to high school with and thought I needed to go back and take one last look at the list and get my calculator out to make sure I got mine right. Yep… $120.

So, I posted my total. And of course everyone responded that I was full of it and they were calling bullshit.  Nope… $120 my friends… and HA! The things I was notorious for just happened to not be on that list. If they had then you all would have looked like a bunch of saints. I mean seriously… if things like dancing on a bar, crawling across a gravel parking lot to get to a pay phone and NOT tearing my hose, double booking dates, double booking boyfriends, cutting school and getting away with it, sneaking out of the house and rolling your car down the driveway in neutral before you started it, staying out all night and sneaking back in the house had been on that list I would never be able to pay that total!

So the way I see it … My total for this list may have been low… but I had a GOOD TIME!!!!
I was a lover –not a fighter :)
(even though it appears all my friends were a bunch of criminals! HA HA HA)
I am pleasantly surprised at some of the people that had a bigger total than me!

Just for good measure I added it up again... with a calculator... $120 . 

Love y’all anyway! 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Life. Is. Good

Life. Is. Good.
It really is. No matter how you look at it, life is still good.
And I am saying this on probably one of the worst weeks I have had in a year.

And I am going to end this worst week the best way possible…with my feet in the water (no matter how cold it is) , my face into the sunshine and a good book (a real paper book) in my hands.
And here is another word for you… HOPE.
Hope that things will always get better.
Hope that they cant get much worse.
Hope that we wake up another day.
Hope for our children.
Hope for our health.
Hope that we live this life we have been given the best way we know how. Knowing all the while that we are imperfect and that is ok.
Life is good and with a little hope it can get better… because the good  lord won’t put any more on you than you can bear… but he sure can bend you double sometimes.

So,gather yourself up by your bootstraps, put your big girl panties on, turn your face to the sunshine and hold your head high because you are a unique, beautiful and fabulous child of God. And he loves us in spite of ourselves. It helps to have some wine to go with your big girl panties....