Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Life Goes on... Moves On...

When faced with the loss of someone so important to you that you feel you won’t be able to exist without them, you must remember that the world moves on with or without your participation, because it is certainly moving on without them. There are three words in the English language that have more meaning behind them than any other phrase. “Life goes on”. It does. With or without you it does go on.

No doubt about it and I am living, witnessing and testifying to that truth. My kids are still growing, bills are due, my teenager’s social schedule is filled with birthdays and sleepovers and my little man just graduated preschool and starts kindergarten soon. Time didn't stop because my mother died. The day she died is like a block of time that I can lock up and put away in a safe place. I don’t want to revisit that block of time very often, but there are still days when I go back there, do the ugly cry, feel sorry for myself about the injustice of it all and ask WHY? It is so easy to slip into that sadness and let it consume me but I can’t allow that. I have two children that need their mother, a husband that needs his wife and I need them just as badly. Now is about the time my mother would grab me by my shoulders and tell me to snap out of it, find my bootstraps and big girl panties and she would be right, as she always was.

Time is the one thing that heals, mends and repairs the broken heart so that we can continue living. Don’t fight it. Let it brush past you because as it does you are one step further from the sadness than you were a moment ago and every step counts. Never think that you are forgetting or leaving your loved one behind, you aren't, they are with you and you are merely living without their physical presence until you can be with them again. 

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