You know… I have been in a super great mood this week. And I honestly think that it has to do with
the fact that I have lost 18 pounds since September. I think it also has to do with the fact that I had an
epiphany the other night…. Sleep… sleep makes me happy! And now I know why…
My whole brood has been fighting this nasty ass sinus bug
that has been flying around for the last couple of months. I had pneumonia and
bronchitis, my daughter had the flu and my 5 year old son had some combination
of all three. Somehow my husband managed
to escape the worst of it and I think it had to do with the consumption of beer
and wine over the holidays that boosted his immune system or created a shield
that the bug couldn't penetrate. Either way we have been sleep deprived for
about a month. Both of us dragging around like zombies in a fog. We have tried
Mortin PM, Tylenol PM, ZZZQUIL, and even resorted to some prescription cough
syrup on nights that congestion was really bad. None of those things really
helped the sleep problem. UNTIL…. I had a flashback to my nursing days and
remembered that doctors would prescribe elderly patients that had trouble sleeping
BENADRYL instead of a narcotic sleep med. This is me usually....
BENADRYL…. Where the hell did I put that last box I bought????
After about 30 minutes of searching I found it… and it
was before the expiration date!!!
I tried it one night and slept like a baby… could have
been I was completely exhausted so I tried it again… slept great! So I gave
some to my husband and he actually slept better than he had in a week. He still
woke up but he was able to go back to sleep which is unusual. Now, I know Benadryl
only last 4-6 hours so I wasn't worried about the lasting groggy effects.
Not only did I sleep good but my head and sinuses were
CLEAR when I woke up. And that is RARE!
And then I see it… as soon as I find my overnight miracle…
Common OTC Meds linked to Dementia…

Well, aren't we all half crazy anyway?? Seriously, I feel partially
demented on a daily basis just by watching the news and hearing how stupid and
crazy the rest of the world is! We all are going to lose our faculties anyway…
why should I live with a sinus headache and no sleep in the mean time ?
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