I saw something on the news this morning and it made me
think about how much this world we live in has changed. They were talking about
the Apple Watch and the research that had been done for two years creating the
watch. And that it would revolutionize healthcare because of the way it could
help track exercise, vital signs and overall fitness.

*** NOTE*** Epiphany Moment***
It seems we are taking the humanity out of being human. When
my children were young I could have been a stay at home mom and isolated them
but it was important to me that they learn how to interact with other kids
their age. I could have put them both in a private school full of kids just
like them but I felt I was depriving them of learning how to function in a
diverse society. The world isn’t just like them and they need to understand
that. I want them to know people will look different and believe different from
them and that is ok. Because when they grow up they may leave the confines of
their little bubble and boy they will see some different things! (epiphany moment is over)
I miss the days when we had to actually go visit with our
friends. There is something to be said for quality time and interaction with
other people. Now we just text or
facebook them. I get more of it now that my daughter is playing several sports
and it is with new people. My own personal close friends are the ones that I don’t
get to interact with and I miss that. Once again, I find myself wishing my life
away for the weekend and before I know it I am looking at Monday morning which
is 5 more days away from the next weekend. And I always end up wondering why it
was only two days and what the hell did I accomplish?? I have to fix that…
maybe a time management app… NAH.
Above all technology has made me miss books. I really
really miss books. I miss turning pages. I miss the smell of a library book. I
ran out of space for books and bought a NOOK about 6 years ago. It doesn’t smell
like a book. And it certainly doesn’t read or feel like a book. It will
simulate turning a page but it is not the same. In this electronic world I can
honestly say that a real book is what I miss the most. I don’t miss shopping, I
don’t miss banking, running errands or even chatting on the phone. I miss a real book. To the right is a picture of my happy place... if I had a spare closet... this is what I would do...
And I can’t imagine an apple watch can fix that.
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