You know, …. I don’t
A friend of mine has been battling anxiety, depression and
a whole plethora of other things that she finally found out , almost by accident,
was due to an over active thyroid.
I wish it was that simple for me. My mind is very heavy
these days. Not exactly sure why. It’s almost as if there is so much in there
that it feels like a clogged drain. No flow out, just stopped up. I need some

What will that accomplish? Shutting the flow of thought
down so that it clogs up my mind and boggles down my entire mental state. My
head feels like the hoover dam. Holding back all that water and only allowing a
trickle here and there to keep the power behind the dam in check so it doesn’t blow.
Finding the balance. My friend calls it “grace” that
finds you and pulls you through the dark spots into the light so you can see
and feel the joy around you. I think my “grace” comes to me in the morning. When
I am the first one to get up and start waking everyone else up. My joy is in
the faces of my children when they are just waking up and they have that
faintest hint of a smile on their face. After they are headed down the driveway
I get about 15 minutes to sit with a little something to eat and a cup of
coffee before I have to get myself together. That is my happy time - in the
morning, I have a similar time in the evening when we are all winding the day
down. Putting the 6 year old to bed and reading books, getting the 14 year old
showered and hanging out with her and the hubby in the living room before
calling it a night.
I am the first one up… and the last one to bed. Every
day. It is the beginning and the end of those days that I find that clarity and
joy. Everything in between is a mess. That is what I need the help with … the mess
in between.
I am going to see a professional that also specializes in
hypnotism. Hoping she can clear the fogginess for me or at least show me how to
clear it myself. She will be my mental
draino. She may teach me how to meditate or some other technique to help keep
the clogged drains at bay. I don’t know what she is going to do but I am ready.
I have come to the realization that there are times in
life that outside help may be necessary to help get clarity and feel whole
again. I think I need to just talk about things that I have never even spoken of
out loud. Someone who doesn’t know me - just to listen to me completely
DUMP out everything that is clogging my mind! I know part of this is probably
brought on my hormone changes and other life/body changes that are inevitable
for any woman. So, putting my big girl panties on… off I go!
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