Friday, May 23, 2014

Flash Back Friday - April 22, 2007

Last day in Disney World we had nothing planned or scheduled for the day so we decided to hang out by the pool and just relax. We stayed at the pool all day Sunday and my girl had the best time. My mother started ordering from the bar about 1PM. By 6 I was ready to crawl in the bed. I only had 4 ½ margaritas but you would think I had 20. Something between tequila and sunshine completely toasted my ass. I laid down by 7PM and tried to go to sleep. I don’t think I slept all night that night. I drank a bottle of water but when I woke up at 4AM I didn't have a headache so I thought everything was going to be ok. At 7AM we are getting up and cramming everything in our suitcases so we can get down to the Magic Express Bus to take us to the airport. It was at that time the tequila and sunshine came back with a vengeance. Oh My God… I haven’t ever been sick off of liquor. I didn't have a headache and to be honest.. I only drank 4 and a half drinks! But I am telling you one thing… it was BAD… if it wasn't for my step sister (bless you jess)  and her athletic fit self I would probably still be sitting at the Polynesian Resort. She ran back and forth with the luggage while I was trying to stop barfing and keeping up with my child. I started to the bus and sat there waiting to get on board… after we start heading to the airport I had to get up and go to the bathroom. It is just big enough to sit down in and I was holding onto the walls with both hands praying for the world to stop MOVING. After the second trip to the bathroom we arrived at the airport. Let me tell you… there is nothing worse than being sick hung over in the bathroom of a moving bus.

I then had to get in line and manually check in my luggage at a kiosk/computer.
That was when I looked and saw how far the bathroom was knowing that another wave was coming. I just leaned on my suitcase and prayed HARD. “Dear Jesus, please just let me get through this line and the security area you can start this all over again. Please please please just let me get through all this where I can sit in a bathroom. I promise I will be good” And Ill tell you one thing.. I didn't get sick there and I didn't get sick again. I made it through all that – with Fallon and got to the gate and just sat there .. knowing that I was going to be sick again. But I didn't get sick. Rode the plane home and everything was fine. Got to moms house… hugged everyone and we got in my car and hit the road. Now I will say that driving home was a challenge. I decided to stop and get us something to eat. Brave.. of me since I hadn't had anything to eat in over 24 hours and knew my stomach wasn't right. So I stopped at Chic-fil-a and I managed to eat a chicken sandwich and it was the best thing I had ever eaten IN MY LIFE . Got home… fell into bed… done.

It took me the rest of the week and the following weekend to recover and feel normal again.
Of course it was all my mothers fault… had she not opened a bar tab at the pool bar I would have never gotten the first drink.. And I think she actually brought my first one to me. Bad influence.

7 years later I have not gone down that road again… don’t plan on it either. Tequila is not my friend and hell will freeze over before I ever drink it again. Of course my boss thought it was hilarious… apparently I left him a voice mail telling him how wonderful he was and I just loved him. I don’t remember that… but he saved the voice mail for years just for giggles. Every now and then he would play it for me… “remember this???  Ha ha ha ”” .. No sir I don’t… And that is ok with me. 

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